Instructor Notes#


Remember that these notes are shared publicly, so please be careful not to include any private information unless that information is linked beyond a proper authorization screen (for example, links to the course Canvas site or CoCalc sites are fine because students must authenticate.)


Potentially Interesting Readings#

Course Setup#

To setup the course I did the following:

Create Repositories on GitLab, CoCalc, etc.#

The first step is to create the various online repositories we will use for the course.

  1. Create a project on GitLab, i.e. GitLab course repo.

    • Use an appropriate group (wus-courses for example).

    • Make it public so we can create a documentation link (see below).

    • Add a brief but relevant description.

  2. (optional) Create a mirror on GitHub, i.e. GitHub course mirror.

  3. Create a documentation project on ReadTheDocs, i.e. course documentation admin page.

    • You can tell ReadTheDocs to scan your GitLab and GitHub public repos, hence, if you made the main repo public above, then you should see it.

    • When you create the project, make the name short – this will ensure that the auto-generated slug and URL is not too long, which can cause problems. You can change this back to the full course name after you create the slug.

  4. (optional) Create a CoCalc course file, i.e. CoCalc course file.

Create the Project with Cookiecutter#

The next step is to clone these repositories to your computer, then to use our [cookiecutter templates][] to get the code and documentation setup.

  1. Clone your main repo, and copy the closest course file from the [cookiecutter templates][]. (I use mercurial through the hg-git bridge below, but you can use git directly if you prefer.)

    hg clone Course
    cd Course
    wget -O physics-555.yaml 
    mv physics-555.yaml .physics-555.cookiecutter.yaml

    Edit this yaml file to reflect the course using the URL’s etc. you found above, as well as the course information as listed in the WSU Schedule of Classes.

  2. Create a branch called cookiecutter-base, then add and commit the updated file.

    hg add .physics-555.cookiecutter.yaml
    hg branch cookiecutter-base
    hg com -m "BASE: Added initial yaml file."

    The idea is to use the cookiecutter-base branch to incorporate any improvements made to the skeleton cookiecutter files. Once these changes are reviewed and updated, we can pull the changes into the main branch and our version control system should be able to merge things.

  3. Generate the course skeleton using cookiecutter. Currently, there is no way to specify the output directory, so you need to do something to make the current directory look like the project slug, phys-555-quantum-technologies in this case. Here we do this twice: first to get the name, then we make a symlink to the current directory.

    # Need version 2.0.2 which is not yet on PyPI.
    pip install --upgrade --user git+
    cookiecutter hg+ \
                 --directory cookiecutter-course                                \
                 --config-file .physics-555.cookiecutter.yaml                   \
                 --output-dir .                                                 \
                 --overwrite-if-exists                                          \
    # See that everything was put into phys-555-quantum-technologies

    Now we remove it, then symlink the current directory to . and repeat. Finally, we move the replay file here so we have a record. (There might be a better way using post-install hooks.)

    rm -rf phys-555-quantum-technologies
    ln -s . phys-555-quantum-technologies
    cookiecutter hg+ \
                 --directory cookiecutter-course                                \
                 --config-file .physics-555.cookiecutter.yaml                   \
                 --output-dir .                                                 \
                 --overwrite-if-exists                                          \
    mv ~/.cookiecutter_replay/cookiecutter-course.json .physics-555.cookiecutter-replay.json
  4. Commit this to the cookiecutter-base branch:

    hg add
    hg com -m "BASE: Cookiecutter skeleton."
  5. Merge these changes back into the main branch:

    hg up main
    hg merge cookiecutter-base
  6. To update in the future, if the cookiecutter template changes:

# Make sure your work in main is committed.
hg com ...

# Switch to cookiecutter-base branch
hg up cookiecutter-base

# Update.... this currently fails because of the following issues.  You may need to
# remove these manually.
cookiecutter hg+ \
  --directory cookiecutter-course --config-file .physics-555.cookiecutter.yaml -o . -f --no-input
hg add
hg com -m "BASE: Updated cookiecutter skeleton"
hg up main
hg merge cookiecutter-base

# Resolve any issues...

hg com -m "Merge updated skeleton to main branch"


Currently this fails due to issue 1176. You will need to manually remove any directories i.e.:

rm -rf Docs/_templates Docs/_static
cookiecutter hg+ \
  --directory cookiecutter-course --config-file .physics-555.cookiecutter.yaml -o . -f --no-input

Edit the Documentation#

At this point, you should be able to build and inspect the base documentation. To do this, and edit the documentation, you can run

make init
make doc-server

which will serve the documentation on http://localhost:8000. If you leave this running, you should be able to edit the various MyST markdown files in Docs/, and these updates should be incorporated into the documentation. This system uses the following components, which you should review to understand how the documentation works:

After editing your documentation, add, commit, and push your changes:

hg add Docs/...
hg commit -m "DOC: Added notes about ..."
hg push

If you have setup everything properly as described above, this should automatically trigger ReadTheDocs to pull and build your documentation:

Check to make sure everything works.

Install Documentation on CoCalc#

Once you are happy with your documentation

  1. (optional) On my personal machine, I establish an SSH connection to the CoCalc shared project so I can connect and install everything there. I do this by adding the following to my ~/.ssh/config file on my laptop:

    # SSH Config file
    # dest = ~/.ssh/config  # Keep this as the 2nd line for mmf_init_setup
    Host ccwsu   # WSU Course project for instructors
      User c31d20a3b0af4bf7a951aa93a64395f6
    Host cc555   # Shared proejct with students
      User ebaafbe3f8cf4598a2c9e7b6c64023c4
    Host cc*     # Defaults for all CoCalc aliases come after
      ForwardAgent yes
      SetEnv LC_HG_USERNAME=Michael McNeil Forbes <>
      SetEnv LC_GIT_USERNAME=Michael McNeil Forbes
      SetEnv LC_EDITOR=vi
    # I also have a local config file for my Mac.  I keep it in a different file
    # called config.local and include it with:
    # Include config.local
    # It contains the following which stores my keys in the Keychain Access app
    # so that they are authenticated when I login.
    Host *
      IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
      UseKeychain yes
      AddKeysToAgent yes
      AddressFamily inet
      # Force IPv4
      #         ssh-port-forwarding-bind-cannot-assign-requested-address/  

    Once this is done, create a private/public keypair with

    ssh-kegen -t ed25519

    The copy the public key from .ssh/ and store it in your CoCalc/Settings/SSH Keys page. This will allow you to SSH to the course project or shared project with

    ssh ccwsu


    ssh cc555



    If you get the following error, it probably means that you need to login to the CoCalc website and start the project - you can only SSH to a running project:

    $ ssh cc555 Permission denied (publickey).

    I also copy this key (or make another) to GitLab and GitHub so that I can authenticate there without a password.

  2. Setup shared course project on CoCalc. Once the previous SSH connections are made, appropriately forwarding your keys, then you should be able to clone the repos to the CoCalc shared project:

    # Start CoCalc project by opening the shared project linked above
    ssh cc555
    mkdir .repositories
    cd .repositories
    git clone
    cd ~/.repositories/physics-555-quantum-technologies
    make init

CoCalc Assignments#

I use CoCalc for assignments assigned in the CoCalc course file. This generally worked well, but there are a few issues:

  1. Don’t use @interact with nbgrader until issue 6137 is fixed.

  2. If you need to install things on the students accounts, then note that you can run a Terminal command in all student projects. I used this to install [Qiskit][]:

    /ext/anaconda2021.11/bin/python3 -m pip install --user qiskit[visualization]

    I also include the following code in each notebook:

         import qiskit
    except ImportError:
        import sys
        !{sys.executable} -m pip install --user qiskit[visualization]
        print("Restart your kernel and try again")

Canvas Setup#

After activating the course, I started adding some assignments. The first assignment contains instructions about how to setup [][] and join the private group for discussions. We will need to send students an anonymized username so that their participation cannot be tracked easily.

Discussion Forums#

I opened up a discussion forum to give people a place to comment on the course and ask questions.


Quantum Networking#

(From Landscape of Quantum Networking Webinar, Paul G. Kwiat, Krister Shalam)

  • Photon’s likely the technology of choice.

  • Loss is the main issue (no repeaters).

  • Commercial sources of entanglement now:

    • Generation of entanglement with parametric downs conversion: PRL 75, 4337 (1995)

    • Quantum Dots.

  • Detection:

    • Avalanche photodiodes (30% efficiency for single photon detection)

    • Superconducting nanowires (>98% efficient, but need ~K T)

    • Transition edges sensors (photon-number resolving >98%)

  • Multiplexing with angular momentum states:

  • Quantum repeater?

    • Interesting application.

  • Quantum key distribution requires <10% error rates.

  • Building entanglement will cost quite a bit (energy).


  • [ ] make doc-server is not doing the right thing. Check with Math 589… something to do with the index file.