Physics 555: Quantum Technologies and Computation#

Welcome to the course page for Physics 555: Quantum Technologies and Computation. This course, originally offered in the Fall term of 2022, is designed to give you the solid background required to understand the essence of quantum theory underlying quantum technologies like advanced sensors and simulators, and quantum computation.

It is not intended to replace a traditional physics education in quantum mechanics such as offered in other courses like Physics 450, 550, 551, and 552, but will focus on key concepts needed to understand what makes quantum physics different from classical physics, and how these differences might be harvested to enable technological advances.

Course Overview#

If you are taking this course officially (for credit or auditing during an active session), then the course Canvas page should be your official source of information. (See Announcements and Assignments in particular.) Details about the schedule etc. can be found in the Syllabus.

The first part of the course will establish the required formal background in linear algebra, computer science, and give the essence of quantum computing. The various textbooks and resources listed in Resources, Readings, and References should be your primary reference, with active discussions taking place using through a private group. (See the first reading assignment for details about how to setup and how to register to this group.) These annotations and associated discussions will drive the lectures where we will address conceptual difficulties, and discuss interesting features and implications of quantum technologies.

The second part of the course will focus on various quantum technologies, with presentations from students and guest lectures tailored to the interests of the class.

These notes will expand on the readings, providing additional perspective, numerical examples, and documenting discussions that arise during the course.


Understanding quantum mechanics requires some mathematical sophistication – at a minimum, complex numbers and linear algebra. While the internet is rife with popular accounts of mysterious quantum behaviour whose arguments can be followed without the requisite mathematical background, acquiring a robust predictive understanding of these phenomena quantum requires a strong basis in linear algebra. Without a proper foundation, one can easily mistake cause and effect in quantum mechanics, leading to incorrect and paradoxical conclusions. (See Quantum Misconceptions for some examples.)


Please review Prerequisites as soon as possible, and if anything is unfamiliar, ask questions or review. This includes some Administrative if you are taking the course officially.